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" Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

Philippians 4:6(NRSV)


Submit your prayer request


" Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

Philippians 4:6(NRSV)


The Moderator Speaks: Good News of Great Joy! – December 2022

December 14, 2022 2:16 pm / By Reverend Joy E. Abdul-Mohan

Post Categories: All posts, The Moderator Speaks

The message of Christmas is one of hope, peace and justice to all people. The angels' song of the good news of great joy was an acknowledgement of God's power that hope, peace and love will be enjoyed by all generations. God's greatest light, Jesus Christ, came in a time of darkness and despair.

Jesus was born to a humble poor family caught in treacherous circumstances in a dangerous world similar to ours today. It was a world where children were deprived of their innocence even by those who were expected to guide and protect them.

As we manage our present-day realities this Christmas, we might ask, how can human dignity and worth, so wondrously sealed in the birth of Jesus, be sustained as we continue to live in a turbulent world. Yes, life is unpredictable! And we are not immune from the vagaries of accidents, death, illness, hardships, failure, trouble, or even suffering. We, too, must face these quintessential challenges of impermanence. Not to have had pain is not to have been human. But God gives strength to produce a faithfulness of character adequate to meet the difficulties and the demands of this earthly life

Hence, the angels' song of "Good News of Great Joy" is an apt and contextual one, especially for the times in which we live. We see around us so much negativity and pessimism that tend to cast a shadow over any "good news of great joy." Sadly, our space is threatened continuously by political, economic and social problems gathering with deepening and frightening intensity.

However, the glad tidings of God becoming human have lifted the human prospect of forging us into one humanity to work for justice and peace; to protect the vulnerable; to heal the wounded; and to do everything humanly possible to preserve and protect lives.

Therefore, we need to be reminded that God is not some distant demigod removed from our problems and concerns or untouched by the reality of how we I ive. God is a living God in touch with our humanity.

It is my prayer that this Christmas we will have a deeper understanding of the good news of great joy, which will enable us to serve God, the church and community with unconquerable gladness. The 2022 annual Advent Meditations booklet, Good News of Great Joy, published by the St. Andrew's Theological College (SATC), contains many thoughts on the subject that would inspire us at this time.

May the birth of Jesus Christ, inspire hope in our hearts, love in our deeds, and solidarity with all humanity!

On behalf of the Synod, its Officers and our families, I extend to all members of the PCTT best wishes for a Christmas filled with the joy that comes from God and a New Year 2023 filled with good news!

However, the glad tidings of God becoming human have lifted the human prospect of forging us into one humanity to work for justice and peace; to protect the vulnerable; to heal the wounded; and to do everything humanly possible to preserve and protect lives.

Therefore, we need to be reminded that God is not some distant demigod removed from our problems and concerns or untouched by the reality of how we I ive. God is a living God in touch with our humanity.

It is my prayer that this Christmas we will have a deeper understanding of the good news of great joy, which will enable us to serve God, the church and community with unconquerable gladness. The 2022 annual Advent Meditations booklet, Good News of Great Joy, published by the St. Andrew's Theological College (SATC), contains many thoughts on the subject that would inspire us at this time.

May the birth of Jesus Christ, inspire hope in our hearts, love in our deeds, and solidarity with all humanity!

On behalf of the Synod, its Officers and our families, I extend to all members of the PCTT best wishes for a Christmas filled with the joy that comes from God and a New Year 2023 filled with good news!

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