The Presbyterian community, for many years, has always looked forward with eager anticipation to our “National Sports and Family Day.” 2024 is probably the most anticipated though, for COVID -19 robbed us of years of this fellowship.
Our National Sports and Family Day can be seen as a reflection of Christian doctrines emphasizing community, health, and the church family unit. The concept of the body as a temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) underscores the importance of physical fitness and well-being, which aligns with the promotion of sports and active living on this day.
Furthermore, the focus on the church as a family unit and togetherness mirrors Christian teachings on the significance of family as a cornerstone of faith and societal stability (Ephesians 6:1-4). By engaging in sports and recreational activities together, and by participating in our National Sports and Family Day we are fostering an environment where Christian values of love, support and community are celebrated and strengthened.
With this understanding, the excitement has been gaining momentum since the ‘Torch Run’ to the twenty-four (24) Pastoral Regions including Tobago began. The torch left the St. Andrew's Theological College compound and travelled to the South-Eastern Presbytery, where it began its national journey. Each Region has received and passed the ‘torch’ to its neighbouring Region with much enthusiasm, pomp, ceremony and grateful reverence.
The Church's membership has supported the event, as they prepared for both the ‘receiving’ and ‘handing
over’ of this symbol of God's light to each congregation.
Indeed, we owe a debt of gratitude to the Oropouche Pastoral Region as they are responsible for sharing with us the importance of hosting such an event for the members of the Church community. Thus, the National Sports and Family Day 2024 builds on the legacy of the first one held on the second Saturday in May 1973, at the Naparima College Grounds.
As we draw near to the scheduled date of our National Sports and Family Day, Thursday 1st August 2024, the excitement increases. Pastoral Regions have been feverishly planning and preparing to participate fully with keen competition in the March Past, as well as all the other fun activities on the day's schedule. We look forward to a packed stadium with an array of the beautiful colour combinations uniquely identifying our Pastoral Regions. Members would vie for challenge trophies, medals and coveted titles. The day promises to be one filled with fun, fellowship and fair play.
Special gratitude is extended to the National Sports Committee Chairman, Mr. Earnest Boodhoo, and his team for they worked tirelessly in organizing this event. Kudos, too, to all Church Workers, Sessions and faithful members of the Pastoral Regions for their devoted supporters.
As we prepare for a day of camaraderie and fellowship that seeks to further unite us as a Church, let us all
continue to be guided by God's Spirit, leading others to the light of Christ, sharing His love with those who may need it the most and being God's hand extended to our fellowmen.
The Rt. Reverend Daniel Chance
Moderator of Synod