Secretariat: Hayes Court, Hayes Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
The Christian Council of Trinidad and Tobago (CCTT) has noted with alarm the horrendously record-breaking murder toll of 2024 as at least 624 persons lost their lives to crime and violence. Victims include the innocent and vulnerable, such as the elderly, women and children, as well as those entrenched in lives of violence. No one and nowhere can be deemed safe as criminal activities include kidnappings, rape, home invasions and various types of assault. Amongst the latest killings, we especially note the murder of the Seventh Day Adventist Elder and attorney-at-law, Randall Hector, at his church.
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago has now seen it appropriate to establish a State of Emergency (SOF) to curb the use of high- powered arms : and ammunition in reprisal killings.
In the midst of this darkness, the CCTT calls on our nation to have firm stance against all forms of violence and the taking of human life. Each and every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. We are precious: deserving, of dignity and safety by the Lord who "keeps us in our, going out and coming in." [Ps 121] Let peace be the standard and the norm in our homes and communities.
We call on our leaders in our communities, nationally, regionally and internationally to stop "the gun talk", The glorification of violence and tactics of war as an acceptable response in any circumstance, must cease to be part of our vocabulary. Neither should the power of the police or military might be used by that nation to dominate, wage war and shed the blood of any of God's beloved children.
We call on our, churches and other faith bodies to stand firm in our hope. faith and love for all of God's creation, as we fervently pray and work for peace and healing in our nation and the nations of the world. The trauma inflicted upon our People cannot be taken for granted, nor dealt with carelessly. Let us care for one another with a spirit of compassion and mercy.
We call on our nation, for all citizens to stand together in unity against all forms of violence. Let it be removed from our homes in the ways we treat the elderly, our spouses and children. Let us move out of this darkness into the light once more to reclaim this paradise we call Trinidad and Tobago.
We acknowledge that there can be no true peace without justice. Therefore, we call upon all leaders - political, religious, community and otherwise to commit towards being a people of integrity, who are trustworthy in our dealings and decision making for the greater happiness of all, and the honour and glory of our country.
May the peace of God that passes human understanding begin its reign. It is- a possibility within our, grasp if only We, can see that our common humanity, our common future, is in our hands. Let us imitate Jesus Christ in words and actions and be guided by the light of the Holy Spirit.
Peace, perfect peace, is possible.