Our blessings and prayers are offered in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This tells us what we believe about the nature and work of God – God is Creator, God is Redeemer, and God is Sanctifier and Sustainer. This work of re-creation, redemption and sanctification continues in the world and in our lives, for we believe that God who delivered Israel from bondage can also deliver us, as individuals, and our community from bondage, and that God who was revealed in Jesus Christ will continue his divine work in and through us and reveal his will and purpose to us, today and forever. God’s active presence in our midst, especially when we gather to hear his word, is not just a matter of our own feelings and experiences. God is real. God is Holy Spirit. God’s presence is an abiding reality.
We believe that we are encouraged to draw near to God, our Heavenly Father, in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and our own behalf, and that of others, to pour out our hearts humbly yet freely before him as becomes his loving children, giving him the honour and praise due his holy name, asking him to glorify himself on earth as in heaven, confessing unto him our sins and seeking of him every gift needful for this life and for our everlasting salvation.
We believe also that, in as much as all true prayer is prompted by his Spirit, he will in response thereto grant us every blessing according to his unsearchable wisdom and the riches of his grace in Jesus Christ.
Source: The Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago: Guide to church Membership