Administrative bodies within the Presbyterian Church are called “courts” and in most countries these are the Session, Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly. The Synod carries out its work through various Boards and Standing Committees.
The Following are the Boards and Standing Committees currently serving within the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago
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The highest decision-making body in the PCTT is the Synod which comes from a Greek word meaning ‘gathering,’ of similar derivation to the word “synagogue”. All ordained ministers, other full-time workers, elder representatives of all the Pastoral Regions of the church, and elder representatives of the Presbyteries are members of Synod. This is the largest representative body of the church and makes policy decisions on behalf of the PCTT
Purpose and Functions
Synod shall be the highest Court of the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago. Its decisions shall be binding on the entire Church. Its responsibilities would include:
Purpose and Function:
The Synodical Council shall be the chief Standing Committee of the Synod and the regularly constituted body through which the annual budget and all other major matters of Finance shall be referred to Synod for final action. The Synodical Council, on which every pastoral region and Presbytery is represented, acts on behalf of Synod because it meets more often than Synod does.
Purpose and Function
Pastoral Regions are grouped into Presbyteries. There are three Presbyteries in the PCTT – the Northern Presbytery, South-Central Presbytery and South-Eastern Presbytery. Each Presbytery serves the Pastoral Regions within its bounds. Presbytery comprises all Ministers within the Presbyterial area, Session representatives of Pastoral Regions, Deaconesses, Lay Pastors, Assistant Lay Pastors and Presiding Elders. Presbytery elects its officers from among its members.
Purpose and Function:
The duties of the Committee shall be:
a. Presbytery shall forward to Synod, proposals for amendments emanating from the Session.
b. Other Boards and Committees shall forward proposals to Synod
c. Synod shall determine the question of referrals to the Judicial Committee.
d. The Judicial Committee shall study the proposals in the light of the total Constitution and present proposed amendments to the Presbyteries for consideration. Presbyteries shall have a maximum of six (6) months to respond.
After consultation with Presbyteries, the Committee shall then present the proposed amendments to Synod for a final decision.
The purpose of the Board is to lead men to an understanding of the witness of the Church that through commitment to Christ they may fulfil the ministry to which they are called in the Church, in the home, in daily work, in the community and in the world.
The board shall act under the authority of Synod in the following areas:
The purpose of the Board is to lead women to an understanding of the witness of the Church that through commitment to Christ they may fulfil the ministry to which they are called in the Church, in the home, in daily work, in the community and in the world.
The Board shall act under the authority of Synod in the following areas:
Purpose and Functions:
The Board shall act as the agent of Synod being responsible for informing and educating the Church in Mission and Stewardship, in consultation with other appropriate Standing Boards and advising the Synod on financial policy.
Purpose and Functions:
The Board shall act under the authority of Synod, and in accordance with the policy of the Church in the following fields:
Purpose and Functions:
Purpose and Functions:
Synod shall establish two (2) Boards of Management for Schools, one for Primary Schools which shall be known as the Presbyterian Primary Schools’ Board and Education, and one for Secondary Schools which shall be known as the Presbyterian Secondary Schools’ Board of Education. These shall be under the jurisdiction of Synod and shall be Standing Boards.
Purpose and Functions:
These Boards shall be the properly constituted and competent authorities of the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago in certain matters relating to Education in their respective spheres in accordance with the Policy of the Church and of the Government, as well as with the existing Education Act/Ordinance and Regulations made thereunder.
To provide leadership for the Youth of our Church, that they may be led to know, love and serve God as revealed in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
The education and formation of Ministers, Church Workers and the Laity is done by St. Andrew’s Theological College (SATC) on behalf of the PCTT. Synod also appoints the Principal as well as the members of the Board of Directors of SATC
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Submit your prayer request
" Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
Philippians 4:6(NRSV)
Submit your prayer request
" Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
Philippians 4:6(NRSV)